GitHub 多个服务发生性能下降,详见 GitHub Status

2022-03-17 22:13:46 +08:00


Update - GitHub Packages is experiencing degraded performance. We are continuing to investigate.
Mar 17, 14:14 UTC
Update - Webhooks is experiencing degraded performance. We are continuing to investigate.
Mar 17, 14:11 UTC
Update - API Requests is experiencing degraded performance. We are still investigating and will provide an update when we have one.
Mar 17, 14:08 UTC
Update - Codespaces is experiencing degraded performance. We are still investigating and will provide an update when we have one.
Mar 17, 14:06 UTC
Update - Git Operations is experiencing degraded performance. We are still investigating and will provide an update when we have one.
Mar 17, 14:06 UTC
Update - GitHub Actions is experiencing degraded performance. We are continuing to investigate.
Mar 17, 13:53 UTC
Investigating - We are investigating reports of degraded performance for Issues.
Mar 17, 13:46 UTC
2081 次点击
所在节点    GitHub
5 条回复
2022-03-17 22:18:51 +08:00
Update - Pull Requests is experiencing degraded performance. We are continuing to investigate.
Mar 17, 14:16 UTC
Update - GitHub Pages is experiencing degraded performance. We are still investigating and will provide an update when we have one.
Mar 17, 14:16 UTC
Update - GitHub Packages is experiencing degraded performance. We are continuing to investigate.
Mar 17, 14:14 UTC
Update - Webhooks is experiencing degraded performance. We are continuing to investigate.
Mar 17, 14:11 UTC
Update - API Requests is experiencing degraded performance. We are still investigating and will provide an update when we have one.
Mar 17, 14:08 UTC
Update - Codespaces is experiencing degraded performance. We are still investigating and will provide an update when we have one.
Mar 17, 14:06 UTC
Update - Git Operations is experiencing degraded performance. We are still investigating and will provide an update when we have one.
Mar 17, 14:06 UTC
Update - GitHub Actions is experiencing degraded performance. We are continuing to investigate.
Mar 17, 13:53 UTC
Investigating - We are investigating reports of degraded performance for Issues.
Mar 17, 13:46 UTC
2022-03-17 22:20:48 +08:00
我就说呢,刚刚新装了个 garuda linux,正弄了一点 dotfiles 准备推送到 github 上,结果失败了,试了几次还以为自己的问题,在一看 githubstatus 已经全黄了
2022-03-17 22:23:02 +08:00
@techstay 一些异常在今天中午就已经出现了,例如我删掉 fork 的 repo-name 库之后重新 fork 仓库名会变成 repo-name-1
还有 GitHub Pages 的部署 Actions 从今天中午左右也挂了
2022-03-17 22:23:12 +08:00
腾讯云 HK 已经 ping 不通了。。服务还比较依赖 Github...蛋疼
2022-03-23 00:20:30 +08:00

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