请问 android10 系统启动两次 Zygote 是什么原因?

2022-01-11 11:51:23 +08:00

查看 log 发现启动了两次: boot_progress_preload_start boot_progress_preload_end  完整 log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VakMGEe_OeILmirE6Y4CuLFxrqSYJL98/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zFsNFyvMsLi7X9x5nBpJka0f_W-nDXxd/view?usp=sharing

1790 次点击
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3 条回复
2022-01-11 11:53:29 +08:00
2022-01-11 14:13:36 +08:00
1. 查看源码 perfboot.py( https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/master:system/core/init/perfboot.py)里面有个"output_results(filename, record_list, tags)函数",其中 Comments 部分说明的比较详细:
` # First, count the number of the values of each tag.
# This is for dealing with events that occur multiple times.
# For instance, boot_progress_preload_start and boot_progress_preload_end
# are recorded twice on 64-bit system. One is for 64-bit zygote process
# and the other is for 32-bit zygote process.
2022-01-11 14:19:19 +08:00

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