用 28 楼的连接测试了一下
sudo debtap 4986a486-3dba-434b-9e7d-cdf3b0e22691.deb
==> Extracting package data...
==> Fixing possible directories structure differencies...
==> Generating .PKGINFO file...
:: Enter Packager name:
wechat.tencent.com:: Enter package license (you can enter multiple licenses comma separated):
*** Creation of .PKGINFO file in progress. It may take a few minutes, please wait...
==> Checking and generating .INSTALL file (if necessary)...
:: If you want to edit .PKGINFO and .INSTALL files (in this order), press (1) For vi (2) For nano (3) For default editor (4) For a custom editor or any other key to continue:
==> Generating .MTREE file...
==> Creating final package...
==> Package successfully created!
==> Removing leftover files...
sudo pacman -U com.tencent.weixin-2.1.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst
软件包 (2) clion-1:2021.3.2-1 com.tencent.weixin-2.1.1-1
下载大小: 309.74 MiB
全部安装大小: 1863.23 MiB
好家伙,还要装 clion ,装好之后扫码登录没反应的