[英伟达] [上海 OR 深圳] [分布式系统研发工程师-自动驾驶业务]

2021-11-18 13:51:41 +08:00
[公司名称] 英伟达

[坐标] 上海浦东张江 OR 深圳

[简历投递邮箱] xiaozhao@nvidia.com

[面试流程] 2-3 轮视频面试

[简历形式] 英文简历

[ What you'll be doing ] :
1 、Participate and lead full software development lifecycle

2 、Develop new features and extend existing ones

3 、Review customer requirements and align with our own

4 、Support customer integration and usage of DRIVE OTA framework

5 、Tackle problems associated with delivery and usage of telemetry data in a real-world AV environment

[ What we need to see ]

1 、BS in Computer Science or a related field with demonstrated ability or MS in Computer Science or a related field

2 、2+ years of experience

3 、Fluent in C, Linux bash shell and Agile development

4 、Good understanding of Python, C++ and Object-oriented design patterns

[ Ways for you to stand out from the crowd ] :

1 、Background with QNX, SQL, embedded systems, complex algorithms, state machines, automotive industry standards (ISO 26262), security, encryption

2 、Experience with software analysis tools, such as AppVerifier, Coverity, etc.

A 、可以 base 上海或者深圳
B 、1 年以上经验都可以尝试
1324 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
2 条回复
2021-11-18 14:40:47 +08:00
老黄怎么不把 B 端 C 端业务都砍了,直接 All in 矿端业务?
2021-11-18 17:32:09 +08:00
@czfy 难道不用吹牛搞估值的嘛,和 brc 一起上下跳动的股价没几个基金想投的

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