eval()和 exec()这类语句存在的意义是什么?

2021-11-14 16:57:14 +08:00
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所在节点    程序员
27 条回复
2021-11-15 11:23:37 +08:00
脚本语言大都有这个共性,调试会方便。但是在生产环境 eval=evil
2021-11-15 15:14:42 +08:00
Python 的模板引擎都是 eval……
2021-11-15 17:24:15 +08:00
说一个稍微偏一些的吧...有的时候做装饰器的时候,有一些动态类型判断,PyCharm 可能会抽风,直接调试运行会提示类型检查不通过。这时候把条件判断表达式换成 eval 的就可以欺骗过 PyCharm 。
2021-11-16 11:07:27 +08:00
比如你使用 protobuf ,传递一个具体的消息名,现在需要用这个名字构造一个对应的消息体:

func = eval("Hello_pb2.LoginRequest")
request = func()
request.serverId = 0
request.token = "i am vkingsea"
2021-11-16 13:08:19 +08:00
@monetto alt + enter suppress warring for statement. 这样相当于掩耳盗铃
2021-11-16 16:06:01 +08:00
@aguesuka 总不能要求所有人都这样来一遍吧...
2021-11-16 19:36:52 +08:00
虽然手边没有 pycharme, 但是我猜它的 suppress warning type hint 是这样实现的

Compatibility with other uses of function annotations
A number of existing or potential use cases for function annotations exist, which are incompatible with type hinting. These may confuse a static type checker. However, since type hinting annotations have no runtime behavior (other than evaluation of the annotation expression and storing annotations in the __annotations__ attribute of the function object), this does not make the program incorrect -- it just may cause a type checker to emit spurious warnings or errors.

To mark portions of the program that should not be covered by type hinting, you can use one or more of the following:

a # type: ignore comment;
a @no_type_check decorator on a class or function;
a custom class or function decorator marked with @no_type_check_decorator.
For more details see later sections.

In order for maximal compatibility with offline type checking it may eventually be a good idea to change interfaces that rely on annotations to switch to a different mechanism, for example a decorator. In Python 3.5 there is no pressure to do this, however. See also the longer discussion under Rejected alternatives below.

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