Share a bunch of things or people have inspired you and changed your life.

2011-02-08 07:33:12 +08:00
Apple - What is good product design
Google - You know it
Wikipedia - free knowledge - What's ur taste
Designing design - the idea of redesign
David Lanham - the guy opened an approach to integrate art and UI
Livid - proved do one thing do it real
Popoever - kind of my techie teacher
Bruce Number 5 - kind of my techie teacher
Isaac Mao - his sharism theory

the list is supposed to be extended

nothing needs to be hidden

I think everything on this list you might know.
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6 条回复
2011-02-08 07:50:36 +08:00
哈哈 发英文帖肯定有人说蛋疼的

2011-02-08 08:08:28 +08:00
Go ahead.
2011-02-08 11:16:14 +08:00
This is not a list of things or people who have inspired an individual, at least not true for myself.
This is more like a list of services, ideas, concepts, or theories that have made its publicity and however certainly as you said changed more or less people's life.

Those that inspire one can be as little as spending time researching on the models of car to purchase or as unknown as one of the tutors in a local coaching school. This is all based on my personal experience and things and people involved are much less known to you and to others including my family, than those listed in your post.
2011-02-08 11:44:16 +08:00
The example list I made is meant to be thankful to the things or people we are familiar with. Just an idea about how things can be inspiring. They can be words, pictures, music, or tools, which make your life easier. It is a topic leading you to think not to make stories.
2011-02-08 11:57:20 +08:00
no offense
2011-02-08 16:54:01 +08:00
You might have missed my point.

Of course people see your list as an example. But since it's been there as a reference, I'm tempted to categorize them into something that are well known among the general public, which is REALLY the case.

The answer I would go ahead with as based on your subject (just the subject line) will be my dad who have inspired me the most throughout my childhood and my mum I will commit the best gratitude for.

As for an individual, things and people may have been inspiring and supportive may be of little importance to majority of the people in the world. There are certainly exceptions you may argue, that my father happens to be the founder of google, as an example. However my parents as ordinaries and those I believe that cover at least 95% of the whole population are not one of them.

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