Disney+ Hotstar(迪士尼)北京团队招聘 iOS 开发和高级 iOS 开发职位
2021-10-11 18:53:06 +08:00
有意向请发送简历到: chenx218@gmail.com
iOS 开发工程师:
We're looking for a software developer in iOS who has rich experience and good understanding of iOS platform, and excited to design and implement fancy features for our iOS application. As a software developer you’ll be responsible for implementing all kinds of features and improving user experience of our application. If you’re excited about working on some really cool functionalities which can be used by people from different countries, this is likely the team for you.
Here are a few of the things that you’ll do:
● Design, implement and test new features for our iOS application.
● Work across UI, service layers, and backend technologies to create server-driven native client solutions.
● Write entirely new code and maintain and update existing code, keep improving user experience of our iOS application.
● A strong grasp of computer science fundamentals
● Familiar with Swift and XCode
● Familiar with the core components of iOS applications and their operating mechanisms, such as autolayout, memory management, network, database etc.
● Strong communication and collaboration skills and a strong teamwork ethic
● Excellent written and spoken communication skills in both Chinese and English.
● B.S., M.S. or Ph.D. in Computer Science / Electrical Engineering are preferred.
负责 iOS 应用的功能设计、开发、测试。
负责维护、持续改进 iOS 应用,改善易用性,提升用户体验。
熟悉 Swift,熟练掌握 XCode 等开发工具优先
高级 iOS 开发工程师:
We're looking for a senior software developer in iOS mobile development who has rich experience and good understanding of iOS platform, and excited to design and implement fancy features for our iOS application. As a software developer you’ll be responsible for implementing all kinds of features and improving user experience of our application. If you’re excited about working on some really cool functionalities which will be used by people across the world, this is likely the team for you.
Here are a few of the things that you’ll do:
● Architect, design, and implement various features for our iOS application.
● Work across UI, service layers, and backend technologies to create server-driven native client solutions.
● Shine with engineering excellence by developing test infrastructures, writing documentation. ensuring high performance, and following an agile development methodology.
● Write entirely new code and maintain and update existing code.
● Research on new frameworks for improving the architecture of iOS applications.
● Guide and help junior engineers.
strong grasp of computer science fundamentals
Experienced in developing iOS applications, familiar with the important components of iOS application and their operating mechanisms, with a preference for experience with shipping applications on App Store
Broad cross-disciplinary development experience, including experience with test-driven development
In-depth knowledge of data-driven application architecture. Experienced in key framework and technology selection for at least one project.
Great communication and collaboration skills and a strong teamwork ethic.
Experience with the following technologies and applications is preferred but not required: RxSwift, MVVM framework, Reactive Native or Flutter
Excellent written and spoken communication skills in both Chinese and English
1.与 PM 、UI 配合,编写高质量的代码,完成移动产品的研发。
2.配合 QA 测试,编写技术文档
3.负责研究各种框架或新技术,持续改进现有 App 架构,以适应业务的发展。
2.掌握 iOS 平台的相关知识,熟练使用 Swift 进行开发,熟悉 iOS App 开发及发布流程。
3.3 年以上 iOS 开发经验,有成功上架应用经验者优先。
5.熟悉大前端技术融合,对 Reactive Native 、Flutter 有深入研究或者实践经验者优先。
3 条回复
2021-10-18 15:15:21 +08:00
2021-10-19 21:08:44 +08:00
之前主要用 object-c 开发,不过上手 Swift 速度会比较快,这个可以吗
2021-10-27 11:24:06 +08:00
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V2EX 是创意工作者们的社区,是一个分享自己正在做的有趣事物、交流想法,可以遇见新朋友甚至新机会的地方。
V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.