Android app有没有办法可以干净的卸载?

2013-08-24 10:19:44 +08:00


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2013-08-25 21:15:21 +08:00
@andybest 原生rom不带文件管理器,可以通过Google Play装第三方。图库是和相机整合在一起了,第三方的也可以通过Google Play安装。原生rom就是精简,无厂商和运营商捆绑。三星/索尼出厂都是有独立的APP(文件管理器和图库)。
逐项权限管理从4.3+可以安心点(需要手动打开),个人以为敏感的权限就是联网/联系人/imei id/通话/短信/定位(精准GPS或大概基于网络)。APP一些功能没有指定的权限是实现不了的,但一般国内开发者声明的都多而无用。
以百度云网盘为例(来源Google Play),重点是存储权限(吐槽国内APP敏感权限多如麻什么的)
This app has access to these permissions:
Your location
approximate location (network-based)
precise location (GPS and network-based)
Your messages
read your text messages (SMS or MMS)
edit your text messages (SMS or MMS)
Network communication
full network access
view Wi-Fi connections
view network connections
connect and disconnect from Wi-Fi
Phone calls
read phone status and identity
Storage 存储
modify or delete the contents of your USB storage 修改和删除USB存储卡上内容。可以理解为其在 /sdcard/ 有读写权限(具体为 /sdcard/BaiduNetdisk)。本来推荐是 /sdcard/Android/data/ 下,大部分能随APP卸载而清除数据。但完全凭开发者自觉(Google宽松的审查)。
System tools
modify system settings
access USB storage filesystem
mock location sources for testing
send sticky broadcast
test access to protected storage
Your applications information
retrieve running apps
run at startup
take pictures and videos
Other Application UI
draw over other apps
Lock screen
disable your screen lock
Your social information
read your contacts
modify your contacts
read call log
write call log
Affects Battery
prevent device from sleeping
control vibration
2013-08-25 21:37:51 +08:00

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