深度学习 1660s AMP 加速问题

2021-04-20 22:16:27 +08:00

使用 apex amp 后内存占用下降,但时间是原来的 5 倍, 前 5 耗时如下,切换 O1 O2 会导致其发生变化, 应该?换卡?!

ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
82 342.244 4.174 342.244 4.174 {method 'item' of 'torch._C._TensorBase' objects}
91411 65.138 0.001 65.138 0.001 {method 'decode' of 'ImagingDecoder' objects}
1280 8.153 0.006 8.153 0.006 {imread}
80 1.464 0.018 1.464 0.018 {method 'run_backward' of 'torch._C._EngineBase' objects}
1280 0.654 0.001 0.654 0.001 {built-in method PIL._imaging.new}
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