BSL1.1 开源协议和 MIT 的区别大吗?可商用吗?需要注意什么?

2021-03-12 05:04:06 +08:00

ZeroTier’s software kit is licensed under the ZeroTier BSL, which allows source code access and free use for all with the exception of hosting a network controller for commercial purposes or embedding the ZeroTier source code in a commercial application. You can self-host ZeroTier controllers and nodes for free if you use it for non-commercial purposes. Please contact us to learn more.

ZeroTier’s BSL is based on the Business Source License (BSL) version 1.1 developed by MariaDB. This license has been adopted by other commercial open source projects like CockroachDB.

The BSL also carries an expiration date (“change date”) after which the licensed work reverts to a more permissive license of the author’s choice (Apache License 2.0 in our case). Each major release can carry an updated change date, allowing the author to extend the BSL’s coverage into the future for new releases. The existence of a change date means that should the original project’s author(s) abandon the project it will eventually fall into a more permissive open source license and can be taken over by the community.

We offer enterprise support and consulting to select customers, such as new user on-boarding.

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2021-03-12 05:58:06 +08:00
说白了 就是你可以免费自己用 也可以免费给搭建给别人用
但是如果你自己搭建了给别人用 并且收费 就不行

这个协议就是开源但是禁止商用 除非你买他们的商用协议
2021-03-12 10:02:46 +08:00
BSL 与 GPLv2 类似,禁止用来运营云服务,二次开发如果分发必须开源
MIT 基本无任何限制,分发和代码需要带有原许可声明
二次开发建议不要使用任何 GPL 或类似许可的代码,LGPL 需慎重评估!!!!!!!!!!
2021-03-12 14:09:40 +08:00

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