DTK 要求归还了,买的时候 500 刀是 3699,退回的时候 500 刀是 3231?

2021-02-27 09:23:54 +08:00

重点:3.31 前归还,送的 500 刀代金券有效期到年底,代金券不仅可以买 M1,还可以买其他苹果产品,寄送地址为上海,顺丰到付。


感谢您的参与 通用应用 快速启动程序 并帮助您不断发展 通用应用我们将向您提供一次性使用的促销代码,价格为人民币 3231 元,用于购买新的 M1 Mac 或其他 苹果产品** 通过订购 苹果商店在线。 代码将显示在此页面上 5 至 7 收到 DTK 后的两个工作日。

如果您要返回多个 DTK,则必须将所有 DTK 都返回才能接收促销代码。


将 DTK 放入原始包装中。您应该有两个盒子,一个盒子用来存放设备,另一个盒子用来装运。如果您再也没有这些盒子,请索取合适的替代品。


将 DTK 放入内部并密封包装。

请与以下快递员联系以安排取件:顺丰 SF (到付) 运费到付 电话:95338


Dear li, Thanks again for participating in the Universal App Quick Start Program and committing to building great apps for Mac. We’re following up with shipping instructions to return the Developer Transition Kit (DTK) that was loaned to you as part of the program. Please take a moment to review these details and ship all DTKs back to us by March 31, 2021. As we mentioned in our last email, upon confirmed return of the DTK, you’ll receive a credit for 500 USD* in the form of a one-time use promo code valid until the end of 2021. You can use it toward the purchase of a new M1 Mac or other Apple products** ordered through the Apple Store Online. View shipping instructions. As a reminder, your Universal App Quick Start Program membership provides continued access to other benefits, such as Technical Support Incidents and private discussion forums, until it expires one year after its start date. If you have any questions, please contact us. Best regards, Apple Developer Relations

7437 次点击
所在节点    Apple
24 条回复
2021-03-01 22:03:02 +08:00
@jianghu521 不需要吧,寄送页面直接显示了自己申请的 DTK 的序列号了。到那边入库一下应该就可以了。
2021-03-02 16:46:55 +08:00
@lscho 快递发送的时候,地址写英文的还是写中文的呢?
2021-03-02 17:55:54 +08:00
@hxroyal 我也在纠结这个问题呢。。地址和收货人都是英文不知道怎么写。

2021-03-04 23:24:16 +08:00
@lscho 已经寄回去了吗?

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