The agency I work for, the Defense Cyber Crime Center for the US Air Force, is preparing to release several of our back catalog of exercises, games, and Challenges to the general public for STEM Education. Getting this back catalog out to public has been no easy task with validating our materials to run these exercises and Challenges for others to use is publicly releasable material, general documentation cleanup, then going through a rigorous legal, security, and public affairs reviews.
Thus you can imagine to my surprise that the DC3 "username" was already taken (You would really think GitHub would keep usernames and organizational names separate, but they didn't oddly....). My agency is known in the digital forensics community and public as DC3 since our full name is a bit long for a URL: Defense-Cyber-Crime-Center
That being said - would it be possible for our organizational account to take over the DC3 account name? If you rename your personal account from using DC3, it then frees up the name for us to use as an organizational account.
I am making this request as a fellow developer - not on behalf of my agency. Completely understand if you wish to keep it - thought at least I would try asking :-)
You can learn more about us here:
Official Website:
www.dc3.milYouTube: back from you soon!
Brian Andrzejewski
DC3 Outreach Team Lead被索要用户名了,还是美帝空军机构,求支招。。
BTW:CP3(Chris Paul)脑残粉,所以用了类似的昵称。
-,- 话说我还有
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