2021-02-07 11:39:00 +08:00
——update [ʌp'deit, 'ʌpdeit]
news that updates your information
modernize or bring up to date
"We updated the kitchen in the old house"
bring up to date; supply with recent information
bring to the latest state of technology
——upgrade ['ʌpɡreid, ʌp'ɡreid]
an upward slope or grade (as in a road)
同义词: ascent | acclivity | rise | raise | climb
software that provides better performance than an earlier version did
a reservation that is improved
"I got an upgrade to first class when coach class was full"
the property possessed by a slope or surface that rises
同义词: rise | rising slope
hardware that provides better performance than an earlier version did
the act of improving something (especially machinery) by raising it to a higher grade (as by adding or replacing components)
"the power plant received a new upgrade"
rate higher; raise in value or esteem
to improve what was old or outdated
"I've upgraded my computer so I can run better software" , "The company upgraded their personnel"
give a promotion to or assign to a higher position
同义词: promote | advance | kick upstairs | raise | elevate
get better travel conditions
"I upgraded to First Class when Coach Class was overbooked"
give better travel conditions to
"The airline upgraded me when I arrived late and Coach Class was full"
注意 update 中的“bring to the latest state of technology“,表明 update 是一种‘往新的’时间状态;
而 upgrade 释义中的”software that provides better performance than an earlier version did“,表明 upgrade 是一种‘更好的’代际状态。