
2021-01-16 23:54:20 +08:00

背景: 朋友不是做互联网的,之前买了一个域名,但是一直没有启用,就挂在 sedo 出售

今天 sedo 给他发了个邮件,说是有个买家,已经通过了 sedo 的资金认证,想购买他的域名

并附上了买家的相关信息,买家的邮箱是 @conoha-jp.com 的,我看了下,应该是个日本的服务商中介

We received a request from our verified buyer who'd like to contact you regarding your domain in the subject line, which you registered through GoDaddy. This is the offer from our certified buyer who purchased domains through our platform for 200K+ earlier. He provided the full proof of funds for this transaction. To negotiate direct with the buyer securely simply respond to this email.

Here is their message to you:

Official Request To Buy Your Domain Hello! We saw it listed for sale. Our SEDO verified buyer is interested in purchasing it. Your email address has been found via online WHO IS service. If your domain is still available please respond to this email. The buyer offers $15,000.00 USD (if the professional appraisal shows a higher value he will pay more). If the price s not ok you may negotiate with the buyer's broker Mrs. Uebashi. The buyer provided full proof of funds.

上面应该是 sedo 的邮件,下面应该是买家发给 sedo 的

然朋友要求加价到 2 万美金,就回复了邮件,然后买家倒是没说什么,回复了一大段邮件,我挑重点的说

1 、他们是日本方面的中介,代替他们的客户购买,2 万美金没问题

2 、通过 Escrow.com/Swiss 交易

3 、要求我朋友去弄个域名证书(也正是因为这个证书,我朋友才打电话问我这是个什么东西)

The buyer offers $20,000 usd. Do you have a certificate? It's required by their bank. The final sale price will depend on the certificate ($20,000 minimum - if it comes higher they will pay more). If you don't have the certificate it's not a problem. You can order it online. Please note he cannot accept it from any agency. He needs a manual service. It also must be a third party independent agency (not your broker our auction site) and must be accepted by his bank. The certification includes the following:

  1. Independent valuation of the market price. It will show your domain name is not overpriced. On the other hand if the valuation comes higher, he will increase the price accordingly. In the domain name industry, there are many appraisal tools that people use to estimate the value of a domain name. My client does not want to risk and doesn't accept services that use scripts. If you are unsure about some service feel free to ask me.
  2. TM and law compliance verification. It proves your domain has no trademark problems. He would like this verification to be included in the appraisal report. It's not a problem because some companies include the TM verification for free.
  3. Copy in Japanese.

The process is very easy:

  1. Go to the certificate agency site and order a certificate. Just submit your domains and let them know you have a buyer with $XX,XXX offer. It will help you to get a better valuation. If your domain is worth at least $10000, they will send you the payment instructions. If it's not possible, they won't send you the instructions. This way you will not lose anything. It's very convenient and gives you the full protection. Other services charge you upfront even if your domain is not worth spending the appraisal fee, so I don't recommend them.
  2. Send the certificate to me and we will start the sale process. As soon as the buyer receives your certificate they will buy your domain. If you are new to the certification process, I can help you with the step by step instructions.




但是如果是骗局的话,sedo 那边那个资金认证又是什么鬼,是骗子会先在 sedo 那边存一个保证金么


332 次点击
所在节点    域名
7 条回复
2021-01-17 13:33:36 +08:00
买卖域名不需要购买什么认证的,首先 sedo 本身就是一家域名中介服务商,通常如果双方协商好价格之后,就直接付款给 sedo 了,然后由 sedo 和卖家沟通将域名转给买家,然后再将款项付给卖家并收取佣金。

在买家付款之前,sedo 是不可能将买家联系方式发给卖家的,否则买卖双方自己私下交易省了佣金,就没 sedo 什么事了。
2021-01-18 10:17:51 +08:00
其实确认真假很简单, 确认一下是不是 sedo 邮箱即可。 很显然是假的,要屁证书
2021-01-18 17:01:30 +08:00
@sigu 第一封邮件是 From: SEDO <donotreply@sedo.com>
2021-01-18 22:18:14 +08:00
2021-01-19 20:12:12 +08:00
我个人理解这个不是证书, 应该是公证,让你做个公证保证不会有商标争议什么的吧,
你可以 PS 一张公证书,发给他试试.
2021-01-19 20:13:17 +08:00
除非上述邮件接下来给你发一个指定的 certificate agency site,那就是骗子无疑了.
2021-01-24 12:33:38 +08:00
可以从 sedo 交易 或者 dan 这类型交易平台

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