新 MacBook Pro 传闻汇总

2021-01-15 15:00:37 +08:00
All of the new MacBook Pro models will feature Apple silicon chips, and there will be no Intel chip options included.
1. The two new models are equipped with about 14-inch and 16-inch displays, respectively.
2. In terms of casing design, the new models cancel the curvy design of existing models’ top and bottom parts and adopt a flat-edged form factor design similar to the iPhone 12‌.
3. The MagSafe‌ charging connector design is restored.
4. The OLED touch bar is removed, and the physical function buttons are restored.
5. There is no Intel CPU option for the new models.
6. They are equipped with more types of I/O, and most users may not need to purchase additional dongles.

14/16 寸新外观窄边框应该没悬念; A/D 面取消曲面设计; magsafe 回归; touch bar 取消;没有 intel 版本;更多接口
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所在节点    MacBook Pro
7 条回复
2021-01-19 12:10:10 +08:00
3 月份发布的几率有多少?
2021-01-19 17:22:01 +08:00
我看到的爆料视频基本都说会推迟到 6 月份
2021-01-20 00:26:09 +08:00
我还是挺喜欢 touchbar 的,黑夜里能陪我的一块屏幕
2021-01-21 14:23:40 +08:00
16 寸就上车~
2021-01-21 16:36:45 +08:00
2021-01-23 01:06:31 +08:00
16 寸太大,希望 14 寸整体大小和 13 寸差不多
2021-02-01 14:15:13 +08:00

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