CentOS8.3 部分包没有跟随 rhel8.3 更新,准备转投 Oracle Linux 了

2021-01-03 21:19:46 +08:00


version file
rhel8.3 kmod-kvdo-
CentOS8.3 kmod-kvdo-

包没有跟随 rhel 更新,在 CentOS 当前版本中无法使用,转换为 stream 版依旧无法使用;
在 8.3 中 rpm --force 安装 rhel 中的包后问题解决。
鉴与 stream 版的滚动更新因素,准备转投 Oracle Linux

4767 次点击
所在节点    Linux
21 条回复
2022-05-25 13:58:18 +08:00


Q: Wait, doesn't Oracle Linux cost money?

A: Oracle Linux support costs money. If you just want the software, it's 100% free. And it's all in our yum repo at yum.oracle.com. Major releases, errata, the whole shebang. Free source code, free binaries, free updates, freely redistributable, free for production use. Yes, we know that this is Oracle, but it's actually free. Seriously.

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