有老哥能帮忙下载个 ACM 图书馆的文章吗?

2021-01-02 23:41:59 +08:00

标题是 Supporting Multi-Provider Serverless Computing on the Edge 摘要: Serverless computing has recently emerged as a new execution model for cloud computing, in which service providers offer compute runtimes, also known as Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) platforms, allowing users to develop, execute and manage application functionalities. Following the rapid adoption of FaaS technologies and the introduction of numerous self hosted FaaS systems, the need for real time monitoring and scheduling of functions in an ecosystem of providers has become critical. In this paper, we present MPSC, a framework for supporting Multi-Provider Serverless Computing. MPSC monitors the performance of serverless providers in real time, and schedules applications across these providers. In addition, MPSC also provides APIs for users to define their own scheduling algorithms. When compared to scheduling on a single cloud resource MPSC provides a 4X speedup across multiple providers in a volatile edge computing environment.

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2021-01-02 23:51:19 +08:00
为什么不使用万能的 scihub 呢?我帮你传奶牛快传了,自取

2021-01-02 23:53:17 +08:00
sci-hub 啊, 另外你也没留个邮箱, 咋传给你
2021-01-03 10:51:55 +08:00
@minami 谢谢大佬

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