百威亚太招聘 - Front-end Lead Engineer 前端开发 Leader

2020-12-18 17:39:23 +08:00
岗位职责 Key Responsibilities

1. 负责 Web/App 前端的设计和研发工作;
1. Responsible for the design and research and development of the front-end Web/App;

2. 根据产品需求,分析并给出合理的页面前端结构解决方案;
2. According to product requirements, analyze and give a reasonable front-end structure solution for the page;

3. 根据产品设计,利用 Vue/React/HTML5 等相关技术开发 web 、手机等多平台的前端应用;
3. According to product design, use Vue/React/HTML5 and other related technologies to develop web, mobile and other multi-platform front-end applications;

4. 和后端程序技术有效配合,完成功能的开发和调试工作;
4. Effectively cooperate with back-end program technology to complete function development and debugging;

5. 负责带领前端开发团队,负责对外沟通业务需求,对内指导团队成员的开发工作。
5. Responsible for leading the front-end development team, responsible for communicating business needs externally, and guiding internally the development work of team members.

任职要求 Qualifications

1. 计算机相关专业,至少 5 年的一线互联网前端开发经验;
1. Computer-related major, at least 5 years of front-line Internet front-end development experience;

2. 对 MVC/MVVM 有深入的理解,至少熟练掌握一个前端框架( React 、Vue 等);
2. Have a deep understanding of MVC/MVVM, and at least master a front-end framework (React, Vue, etc.);

3. 有丰富的前端架构、性能体验优化的经验。有 Hybrid 研发、iOS/Android 应用开发经验;
3. Rich experience in front-end architecture and performance experience optimization. Experience in Hybrid R&D and iOS/Android application development;

4. 熟悉 HTTP 协议,熟悉 Web 应用的性能优化,监控,分析方法;
4. Familiar with the HTTP protocol, familiar with the performance optimization, monitoring and analysis methods of Web applications;

5. 有基于 Node 的 Sever 端研发经验,或至少熟悉一种 php/java/python 等后端语言;
5. Have experience in Node-based server development, or at least be familiar with a back-end language such as php/java/python;

6. 有大型互联网电商前端开发经验者优先;
6. Experience in front-end development of large-scale Internet e-commerce is preferred;

7. 对技术有持续的热情。学习能力出众,逻辑性强。个性乐观开朗,沟通能力强;
7. Have a continuous passion for technology. Excellent learning ability and strong logic. Optimistic and cheerful personality, strong communication skills;

8. 良好的中英文沟通能力。
8. Good communication skills in both Chinese and English.

请在以下链接进行申请 Please apply via the following link:

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所在节点    酷工作
4 条回复
2020-12-20 21:12:36 +08:00
base 哪里的?
2020-12-21 13:06:26 +08:00
@beiciye base 在上海
2020-12-21 13:24:29 +08:00
2020-12-21 14:16:04 +08:00
@tiglapiles 需要 On Site

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