百威亚太招聘 - Back-end Lead Engineer 后端开发 Leader

2020-12-18 17:18:57 +08:00
岗位职责 Key Responsibilities

1.负责 Spring Cloud 微服务架构及分布式数据库设计、拆分,开发;
1.Responsible for Spring Cloud microservice architecture and distributed database design, splitting and development;

2.Tackling technical difficulties, problem analysis, system tuning, etc.;

3.Select the system technology platform and evaluate the feasibility of new technologies;

4.Participate in requirements review, lead the preparation of technical plans, and have certain project management capabilities;

5.Responsible for the daily development and maintenance of the server, the realization of business requirements, system optimization, and architecture upgrades;

6.Responsible for leading the back-end development team, communicating business requirements externally, and guiding team members internally for development work.

任职要求 Qualifications

1.Have relevant work experience in designing and implementing distributed architecture applications and distributed database applications;

2.精通 Spring Boot 、Spring Cloud 、JPA 的微服务架构,熟悉 Spring WebFlux 响应式编程;
2.Proficient in Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, JPA microservice architecture, familiar with Spring WebFlux reactive programming;

3.熟练 Mysql 、Postgres 等关系型数据库,熟练 Redis 、Mongodb 等 NoSQL 数据库;
3.Proficiency in relational databases such as Mysql and Postgres, and NoSQL databases such as Redis and Mongodb;

4.熟悉 Docker 、OpenStack 等容器及虚拟化技术并有实际使用经验;
4.Familiar with Docker, OpenStack and other container and virtualization technologies and have actual use experience;

5.精通 Struts,Spring,Hibernate 等框架;
5.Proficient in Struts, Spring, Hibernate and other frameworks;

6.熟悉常用数据结构和算法,如链表、堆栈、 二叉树、队列,AES 、RSA 、MD5,https 等;
6.Familiar with commonly used data structures and algorithms, such as linked lists, stacks, binary trees, queues, AES, RSA, MD5, https, etc.;

7.熟悉软件工程开发管理, 包括敏捷开发管理, 代码管理, 缺陷管理, 代码评审, 测试工程, 持续集成等;
7.Familiar with software engineering development management, including agile development management, code management, defect management, code review, test engineering, continuous integration, etc.;

8.Have strong problem analysis and positioning capabilities and system tuning capabilities;

9.5 年以上 Java 研发经验,有带领团队设计开发或参与大型互联网电商应用架构设计经验者优先;
9.More than 5 years of Java R&D experience, with experience in leading team design and development or participating in large-scale Internet e-commerce application architecture design experience is preferred;

10.Good communication skills in both Chinese and English.

请在以下链接进行申请 Please apply via the following link:

1777 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
6 条回复
2020-12-18 17:27:13 +08:00
2020-12-18 18:42:34 +08:00
坐标哪里?(吐槽一下官网愣是找不到 "Contact Us"。。
2020-12-18 21:11:12 +08:00
20w 美金包裹
2020-12-19 11:48:56 +08:00
@lidlesseye11 应该是上海
2020-12-21 13:06:52 +08:00
@lidlesseye11 base 在上海
2020-12-21 13:11:12 +08:00
@kobe73er 38-56K

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