请问一下,一般 mergetool 里面,$BASE, $LOCAL, $REMOTE 都对应的是什么文件?

2020-12-14 11:03:42 +08:00
cmd = 'C:/Program Files/KDiff3/kdiff3.exe' \"$BASE\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" -o \"$MERGED\"

如上所示,Kdiff3 的配置。这三个都对应的是什么文件? 我看有的 tool,比如,beyondcompare,好像含义有点不一样。我不知道是不是设置上述参数时,配置错了......


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2020-12-23 14:54:31 +08:00
refer to:

the words LOCAL/REMOTE is somehow misleading, makes me thinking they are referring to "my changes"/"remote changes", but actually usually in context of "merge into master", LOCAL is the target branch which is other's modification, and REMOTE is the source branch which is my modifications.

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