关于 Apple M1 的群众意见每日汇总 [码农方向][2020.11.21]

2020-11-21 09:25:43 +08:00

Go 性能比较,MacBook Pro 2020(M1) v.s. 2017 13” MacBook Pro(i5-7267U)

A top level takeaway from this data is that for things that rely on pure Go the M1 machine is, in general, a good bit faster than the Intel machine. For code that relies on highly optimized assembly, like a good chunk of the crypto/ code, the Intel machine wins (although I wouldn’t be surprised to see significant gains for the M1 as arm64 assembly implementations get more attention and are further polished).

https://roland.zone/m1-go-benchmarks https://twitter.com/rolandshoemaker/status/1329599285168508929 https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/perf/cmd/benchstat

ARM Ubuntu virtualized on M1, using Virtualization framework



网友:M1 Mac 更改显示分辨率非常顺滑;苹果工程师:的确

Steve Troughton-Smith

Real ‘wow’ moment; try changing the resolution on an M1-based Mac, or attaching an external display — no blanking, just instant https://twitter.com/stroughtonsmith/status/1329259493075668992

Gokhan Avkarogullari (Apple Silicon Graphics Drivers Teams Lead)

I was waiting for this. Our display pipes are many years ahead of the industry & this is just 1 of that. From contrast to accessibility to color management many teams at Apple, including my display driver team, put so much effort to it. Glad to see it makes a difference. https://twitter.com/gavkar/status/1329263147920756739



Apple M1 & 黑灰产

@蒸米 spark:

因为刚才发的文章科普性太好了 能让黑灰产快速入门 就先撤掉了[允悲]。提几个文章中的关键点吧:

  1. 开发者无法控制应用是否能够在 MacOS 运行
  2. 攻击者可以对应用进行调试和黑盒调用
  3. 普通权限可以直接访问 App 应用沙箱内的文件
  4. 对端环境检测会造成影响
  5. MacOS 上仍然支持对 iOS app 的 Scheme 调用


关于 iOS DRM(FairPlay) 的讨论

Ian Carroll

There appears to be no DRM on iOS app binaries running on macOS.

It looks like, even though the binary isn't encrypted, iOS apps from the Mac App Store still depend on FairPlay (and FairPlay depends on SIP enablement). iOS apps from an IPA are both encrypted and depend on FairPlay. https://twitter.com/iangcarroll/status/1329506736277864448

Native Java on Apple Silicon Macs, Zulu Builds of OpenJDK


ZeroTier 1.6.0 支持 M1

ZeroTier 1.6.0 release coming any minute now. Just testing a few remaining things. Improvements include better and faster crypto (between 1.6 or newer nodes), better Linux performance, DNS management, multipath (this is still considered beta), and Apple M1 (ARM64) native support.


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8 条回复
2020-11-21 09:27:50 +08:00
希望楼主坚持做 每天都来看
2020-11-21 09:43:00 +08:00
看了一下那个调分辨率的视频 真的蛮牛的
2020-11-21 10:13:01 +08:00
@meganut intel mac 外接显示器各种问题,没见到他们这么上心
2020-11-21 10:39:46 +08:00
可以加一个能跑 Wine 。
2020-11-21 11:01:05 +08:00
2020-11-21 12:57:32 +08:00
那个“能让黑灰产快速入门 ”的文章还有吗~
2020-11-21 14:16:07 +08:00
2020-11-21 18:56:47 +08:00

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