cardioio Feedly 的最新版 iOS 应用也声称 "Powered by Feedly cloud"
但是我这边如果不用 VPN 无法同步,而且,到帐号管理页面断开 Feedly 的 Google Reader 授权就无法同步
https://www.google.com/accounts/ManageAccount另外,你给出的文章后边,有用户 vshabanov 评论:
They still use Google Reader underneath. Only accounts are “Powered by Feedly cloud”.
> …due to just how easy Feedly has made it for third-party clients to integrate with its new cloud
Their API is not compatible with Google Reader (and quite buggy at the moment). So it’s not that easy for 3rd party apps to integrate with them.
直到 Feedly 的 Web 版本可以摆脱插件之后,才是真正脱离 GR 服务器,现在是通过 插件 和 GR 通讯来实现跨域请求。
还是觉得 Google Reader 留给大家的时间太少了