问题是这样:我需要一个全局变量,但是在之后的 async function 里面才会对其进行赋值,这是我几个尝试,但是 pycharm 多少都会报 Warning
app = FastAPI()
conn_pool = None
async def startup():
global conn_pool
conn_pool = await asyncpg.create_pool()
async def index():
async with conn_pool.acquire() as conn:
pass # do something
这样底下的所有 conn_pool 的操作都会报Cannot find reference 'xxx' in 'None'
app = FastAPI()
conn_pool: asyncpg.pool.Pool = None
async def startup():
global conn_pool
conn_pool = await asyncpg.create_pool()
async def index():
async with conn_pool.acquire() as conn:
pass # do something
这样在conn_pool: asyncpg.pool.Pool = None
这一行会报Expected type 'Pool', got 'None' instead
app = FastAPI()
async def startup():
global conn_pool
conn_pool = await asyncpg.create_pool()
async def index():
async with conn_pool.acquire() as conn:
pass # do something
可以用,但是在global conn_pool
会报Global variable 'conn_pool' is undefined at the module level
我这里需要全局变量的原因是 conn_pool 需要在其他函数内使用
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