Golang 泛型:[type T],为啥要用中括号呢。。。

2020-08-04 19:08:35 +08:00

传送门: https://blog.golang.org/generics-next-step


package main

import (

// The playground now supports parentheses or square brackets (only one at
// a time) for generic type and function declarations and instantiations.
// By default, parentheses are expected. To switch to square brackets,
// the first generic declaration in the source must use square brackets.

func Print[type T](s []T) {
	for _, v := range s {

func main() {
	Print([]string{"Hello, ", "playground\n"})

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22 条回复
2020-08-05 15:09:23 +08:00
@Mohanson 这点前端 parse 的开销基本微乎其微。
2020-08-05 18:35:13 +08:00
LR(1) 并不是复杂度

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