申请 AWS Route 53,结果老外打电话来了。。。

2013-05-08 12:23:44 +08:00
到控制面板 Route 53那里 好像有个验证。

Thank you for signing up for Amazon Route 53. Your subscription is being processed.
We will send you an email when you can begin using this service. For most customers this takes only a few minutes, but if additional account verification is required, then processing can take several hours.
Until your subscription is ready, you can learn more about the AWS Management Console.


“喂,你好。” 结果一个是老外不是机器人,说了一大串英文 ,我表示没听懂,好有压力。。我不知道说什么。。就挂了。。。残念。。


Greetings from Amazon Web Services.
This email is to notify you that you have not been granted access to Amazon Route 53, CloudFront. At this time we are requesting you to provide us with a valid business URL. Additionally, please email us the valid URL from an email addresses associated with the URL.
You can send your message to aws-verification@amazon.com. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and appreciate your patience with our security measures.
Best regards,
Munavar Ahmed Sait Motiwala

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2013-05-08 12:24:56 +08:00

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