
2020-06-12 09:38:12 +08:00

刚看阮一峰的推送,其中写到一个关于 Xbox 的故事(以下复制粘贴):

2 、Xbox 里面的父亲[50]

一篇 2014 年的感人故事,儿子在 Xbox 里面发现了过世父亲的身影,故事发生在国外:

Well, when i was 4, my dad bought a trusty XBox. 我 4 岁的时候,父亲买了一台 Xbox

you know, the first, ruggedy, blocky one from 2001. 你知道的,是那台坚硬、结实,2001 年推出的 Xbox

we had tons and tons and tons of fun playing all kinds of games together 我们一起玩了许多游戏,而且玩得非常开心....

until he died, when i was just 6. ...直到他去世为止,那年我才 6 岁

i couldnt touch that console for 10 years. 在往后十年,我没有办法碰那台游戏机

but once i did, i noticed something. 直到有一次我打开它,我发现了一件事情

we used to play a racing game, Rally Sports Challenge. 过去我曾与父亲玩过一款叫做《越野挑战赛》的赛车游戏

actually pretty awesome for the time it came. 实际上在当年,它真的很好玩

and once i started meddling around... i found a GHOST.literaly. 而当我开始在这款游戏中四处浏览时,我遇到了货真价实的“幽灵”。

you know, when a time race happens, 在这款赛车游戏的计时赛中

that the fastest lap so far gets recorded as a ghost driver? 最佳纪录保持者的记录将会以幽灵车手状态出来与你一同赛车

yep, you guessed it 是的,你猜到了!

his ghost still rolls around the track today. 父亲的灵魂至今仍在赛车场上奔驰着

and so i played and played,and played, 于是我一遍又一遍的挑战

untill i was almost able to beat the ghost. 我慢慢的可以追上这位幽灵车手

until one day i got ahead of it,i surpassed it, and... 终于有一天,我成功了!我超越祂了!然后...

i stopped right in front of the finish line, 我在终点线前停下来

just to ensure i wouldnt delete it. 确保我不会就这样删除“父亲的记录”。

突然怀念起在家时老爹教我做菜,厨房里叮咣叮咣两个大男人汗流浃背,老娘在旁边看着我们笑。 好温馨啊。

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2020-06-15 17:00:59 +08:00
2020-06-15 21:43:55 +08:00
2021-10-04 12:45:18 +08:00
父亲能带着孩子玩 XBox 啊,打扰了。

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