DigitalOcean 发邮件让验证身份。

2013-04-29 17:03:03 +08:00
ah~ 昨天晚上用同一个IP又注册了个账户。结果就发邮件来说让验证身份。


Preventing abuse is a top priority here at DigitalOcean, and we ask for your help in this ongoing battle. We would like to first verify your account details.

Providing your personal information will allow us to better assist you now, and in the future.
Please let us know the following:
- Your name.
- Your location.
- Your phone number
- The primary type(s) of traffic that will be sent from/to your droplet(s) (For example; `web traffic` or similar will suffice).
- Please also provide one or more of the following:
a) Your public Twitter handle.
b) Your public Facebook profile.
c) Your personal/business website.
d) Your personal/business blog.

Please note, while this information request may seem unorthodox, we find that procuring some basic information about our customers to verify accounts is preferable to detailed billing and payment verification, as billing information can be falsified.

Please also note: None of the information we receive will be stored or used for any other purpose than initial account verification and abuse prevention.

Thank you for your time. We look forward to hearing back from you soon.
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