[NLP] 律商联讯,上海外企, WLB,自有数据库搜索引擎服务

2020-04-22 12:00:37 +08:00

律商联讯成立于:1818 年
全球员工数量:超过 10,000 名
全球业务:服务于全球 175 个国家的客户

·       Perform hands-on data analysis and modelling with huge data sets.
·       Apply data mining, NLP, and machine learning/deep learning (both supervised and unsupervised) to improve relevance and personalization algorithms.
·       Work side-by-side with product managers, software engineers, and designers in designing experiments and minimum viable products.
·       Discover data sources, get access to them, import them, clean them up, and make them “model-ready”. You need to be willing and able to do your own ETL.
·       Create and refine features from the underlying data. You’ll enjoy developing just enough subject matter expertise to have an intuition about what features might make your model perform better, and then you’ll lather, rinse and repeat.
·       Run regular A/B tests, gather data, perform statistical analysis, draw conclusions on the impact of your optimizations and communicate results to peers and leaders.
·       Explore new design or technology shifts to determine how they might connect with the customer benefits we wish to deliver.
·       BS, MS, or PhD in an appropriate technology field (Computer Science, Statistics, Applied Math, Operations Research, etc.).
·       2+ year’s experience with data science & NLP.
·       Strong programming skills with Python.
·       Efficient in SQL, Hive, or Spark SQL, etc.
·       Comfortable in Linux environment
·       Experience in data mining algorithms and statistical modelling techniques such as clustering, classification, regression, decision trees, neural nets, support vector machines, anomaly detection, recommender systems, sequential pattern discovery, and text mining.
·       Familiar with latest development in NLP & deep learning
·       Solid communication skills: Demonstrated ability to explain complex technical issues to both technical and non-technical audiences.

欢迎发送 简历 到 matthew.ye.0724@gmail.com
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