数据库客户端新选择: DBKangaroo

2020-04-18 09:36:02 +08:00

DBKangaroo News Timeline

Kangaroo v0.19.1.200413

  1. Implement copy object name menu on dbtree.
  2. Implement copy as SQL(Insert/Update/Delete) in the datagrid.
  3. Implement copy as TSV in the datagrid
  4. Implement copy as CSV in the datagrid
  5. Implement copy as PHP array in the datagrid
  6. Implement copy as JSON in the datagrid
  7. Improve paned widget border style.
  8. fixed: crashed while stringize the blob column
  9. fixed: crashed while no primary key
  10. fixed: crashed while primary key contain character(_)
  11. fixed: warning message while column with empty value
  12. fixed: warning message while invalid calling(to_string)

Kangaroo v0.18.1.200406

  1. encrypt user password to keep user passwords safe.
  2. Implement insert, clone and delete functionality in the datagrid.
  3. Implement connection clone functionality in the start view
  4. Implement dump sql functionality on the dbtree
  5. Implement table schema editor on the dbtree
  6. Implement refresh functionality on the dbtree
  7. Improve workspace tab behavior(auto hide for one)
  8. fixed: return key behavior invalid on the dbtree
  9. fixed: crashed while open table with null value

Kangaroo v0.17.0.200323

  1. Support connection over SSH tunnel (Windows, Linux/Unix and MacOS)
  2. Add testing support for connection dialog
  3. Refactor context menu of datagrid
  4. Add dump sql (file and text) menu for dbtree
  5. Implement selection menu of datagrid
  6. Implement goto cell menu of datagrid
  7. Fixed: crashed while switching grid to form.

Kangaroo v0.16.0.200316

  1. Support SSH tunnel(Windows not yet pass test).
  2. Support input page number to switch page
  3. Improve: update layout of switch widget on dialog
  4. Fixed: can't open link on windows
  5. Fixed: log file index error

Kangaroo v0.15.0.200302

  1. Update and share openssl.vapi to keep user data safe.
  2. Improve language support(kangaroo.pot, zh_Hans and zh_Hant)
  3. Improve home view's web resource load performance
  4. Apply proxy setting for loading web resource
  5. Linux: change browser view to timeline text view
  6. Use combobox widget instead entry for log file size

Kangaroo v0.14.0.200217

  1. SQLite: support to create new database
  2. refactor database tree context menu
  3. integrated with openssl to keep user's password safe
  4. add pointer cursor for right panel icon
  5. fixed: update workbench default size while first run

Kangaroo v0.13.0.200210

  1. apply data grid style setting
  2. apply sql editor style setting
  3. windows 32bit version support
  4. implement SSH tunnel support(not yet integrate)
  5. minor change for connection dialog UI
  6. fixed: tool's icon incorrect on release version

Kangaroo v0.12.1.200120

  1. add setting dialog
  2. add dark theme support
  3. bind connection dialog with new setting model
  4. update start view with new setting model

Kangaroo v0.11.1.200113

  1. redesign connection dialog to support SSH and SSL
  2. add donate icon on home page(Paypal/Wechat/Alipay)
  3. redesign configuration model and file(init --> json)
  4. Use symbolic icons in the Header Bar(#25)
  5. fixed: edit data in grid will update all rows

Kangaroo v0.11.0.200106

  1. add app home page
  2. reimplement DSV format engine
  3. improve DSV compatible with other tools.
  4. improve DSV option UI layout
  5. improve date column editting support
  6. fixed: generate sql statement incorrect.
  7. fixed: crash while importing data
  8. fixed: can't save data while editting on data grid
  9. fixed: warning message about db tree

Kangaroo v0.10.0.191223

  1. add export assistant UI
  2. batch export table to file.
  3. support data formats(DSV/JSON/XML/HTML/Markdown/SQL)
  4. support title for column(rename)

Kangaroo v0.9.5.191216

  1. import data from DSV format
  2. import data from JSON format
  3. import data from XML format
  4. Rewritten export data as XML format with libxml2;
  5. add export modules assistant UI
  6. implement export format and table selection page

Kangaroo v0.9.4.191209

  1. add import summary page
  2. add five kinds of import mode
  3. import csv format data to table
  4. fixed logo can't show on linux and macos platform

Kangaroo v0.9.3.191202

  1. implement column mapping function

Kangaroo v0.9.2.191125

  1. Import data from file(dsv/xml/json) #19
    • implement the import UI(format, encoding and preview)
    • implement the import UI(DSV format option)
    • implement the import UI(data preview)
    • implement the import UI(column mapping)
    • implement the import UI(process progress)
    • implement DSV format parse and preview

Kangaroo v0.9.1.191118

  1. Export data to file(dsv(csv/tsv/...)/xml/json/sql/md/html) #18
    • Export data to DSV format(CSV/TSV/...)
    • Export data to JSON format
    • Export data to XML format
    • Export data to HTML format
    • Export data to SQL format(INSERT)
    • Export data to Markdown format
  2. Improve file filter of save dialog

Kangaroo v0.9.0.191111

  1. Edit table schema and save to database #5
  2. Export data to JSON and DSV format

Kangaroo v0.8.5.191104

  1. Edit table schema and save to database(SQLite and PostgreSQL preview) #5
  2. Add export data formats UI and interfaces
  3. Update tab's title while save the new table

Kangaroo v0.8.4.191028

  1. Rearrange db tree and UI #17
  2. Add refresh menu on db tree
  3. Implement multiple databases support
  4. Edit table schema and save to database(MySQL Preview) #5

Kangaroo v0.8.3.191021

  1. 新建连接时出现插件未加载错误 #12
    Load plugin failed while create new connection #12
  2. Add MacOS compilation support #13
  3. refactor database model to improve interoperability

Kangaroo v0.8.2.191014

  1. improve: field selection dialog support to select fields by value(#9)
  2. improve: schema designer support to navigate with Tab key(#3)
  3. fixed: fields expression dialog reload value failed(#10)
  4. fixed: missing windows shortcut icon(start menu and desktop) (#7)
  5. fixed: missing syntax highlighting support(#8)
  6. fixed: load data in form view failed(#11)

Kangaroo v0.8.1.190930

  1. improve: generate exact correct editing sql
  2. refactor: add source code editor module
  3. improve SQLite schema sql builder
  4. fixed: text editor and code editor can't show blank line
  5. fixed: get string failed while create data row(console)
  6. fixed: console critical message while editing schema

Kangaroo v0.8.0.190923

  1. implement the builder of PostgreSQL(11.0)
  2. save table schema to database(create only)
  3. update build script: hide app console window
  4. update windows installer: add MySQL and PostgreSQL client library
  5. update the links on the about window
  6. improve single line edit control(auto focus)
  7. update gui cursor while busy

Kangaroo v0.7.2.190916

  1. Implement loader of PostgreSQL 11(full version)
  2. Improve designer form of PostgreSQL 11
  3. refactor content of Kangaroo repo
  4. create new site: dbkangaroo.github.io
  5. add windows installer script
3214 次点击
所在节点    数据库
17 条回复
2020-04-18 09:36:45 +08:00
稳定版 0.20.1 即将推出。。。
2020-04-18 09:41:57 +08:00
有跟 DBeaver 的对比吗?
2020-04-18 11:24:15 +08:00
@MinQ 暂未做细致的特性对比,欢迎尝试
2020-04-18 11:45:29 +08:00
2020-04-18 12:39:27 +08:00
2020-04-18 15:39:54 +08:00
支持,建议学习下 TablePlus 的理念,修改只是暂存,CTRL+S 保存时统一再执行 Sql 太好用了。
2020-04-18 16:14:59 +08:00
颜值不高 😅
2020-04-18 17:48:47 +08:00
看界面像 gtk 果然是
2020-04-19 08:50:35 +08:00
@jry 谢谢您提出的建议,我研究一下哈
2020-04-20 11:37:56 +08:00
袋鼠数据库管理工具( DBKangaroo ) 0.20.1 已发布,更好用的表设计器已上线;
2020-05-04 10:58:16 +08:00
袋鼠数据库管理工具( DBKangaroo ) 第一个稳定版已发布:v0.21.1
2020-05-11 12:08:43 +08:00
袋鼠数据库管理工具第二个稳定版本 0.22.1 已上线,敬请留意
2020-06-29 10:52:28 +08:00
袋鼠数据库管理工具( DBKangaroo ) 0.28.1 已发布,

欢迎大家体验,有新想法和 bug 都可以反馈。。。
2020-08-07 10:07:52 +08:00
2020-08-17 09:53:46 +08:00
袋鼠数据库管理工具 2020(Alpha 2) 发布,这个版本改进了标题栏和页面导航界面、完善了日期时间编辑选择控件,修复了日期时间编辑保存功能;
2020-08-24 10:24:11 +08:00
袋鼠数据库管理工具 2020(Beta) 发布,这个版本聚焦改进表结构设计器的编辑、预览、保存功能;优化了配置文件存储,支持便携式安装;改进了 Windows 安装程序的多语言支持;
2020-09-07 11:04:18 +08:00
袋鼠数据库管理工具 2020(Beta 2) 发布,这个版本聚焦改进苹果 OS X 平台安装包,安装即可用;更新了本地化支持及中文语言翻译;提供了 MySQL/MariaDB 插件支持,完善了连接管理支持。

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