[RaiDrive] Writable Feature move to Professional

2020-03-26 19:43:55 +08:00

To invest more effort and energy for the future plan, we thought that what the writable feature of some storage needs to move to the Professional subscription is a reasonable and possible option. We know you may be surprised and sincerely expect your understanding. We promise more useful and innovative convenience.

Changing Plan

Date April 2, 2020 Target Feature Writable feature Target Storages Business: Google Shared drives(former Team Drive), OneDrive NAS: All Price Business: Professional basic(USD 2.00/month ~) + addon(USD 0.50/month ~) NAS: Professional basic(USD 2.00/month ~)

著名的 NAS 远程挂载软件 RaiDrive 即将把写入功能列入 Pro feature,收费$2/月,迫穷,求替代产品~

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1 条回复
2020-03-27 12:49:42 +08:00

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