g suite 暂停计费后,数据保留多久?

2020-03-24 13:09:56 +08:00

我是 g suite 正规车,12 刀那种,用了几十 T,正规数据,医疗影像之类的。 由于最近不做实验了,写论文,不会用到这些数据,打算暂停计费(每月可以省下这 12 刀)。 我看了 google 相关条款,没有写到多久不续费,会清除数据。 有大佬知道这里面细节吗?多谢。

4749 次点击
所在节点    Google
8 条回复
2020-03-24 21:37:59 +08:00
我记得是 60 天,但不知道恢复使用是否需要补齐欠费
2020-03-24 23:00:52 +08:00
既然是正规车,直接问客服就好了嘛。Google 的客服一般回复速度还是蛮快的。
2020-03-25 10:17:32 +08:00
Google Cloud Support, Rosalie10:10 AM
Upon checking on our system you can be able to have those data. Because your account will be just in Suspended status.

Me 10:11 AM
in suspended status the data (including gmail, gdrive) won't be deleted, right?

Google Cloud Support, Rosalie10:11 AM
All you need to do is make sure that you were still able to log in to your admin console and please do not forget your log in credential.

Google Cloud Support, Rosalie10:11 AM
That is correct all of your data including Gmail and Google are drive will not be deleted.

Google Cloud Support, Rosalie10:12 AM
You can still renew your account after 6 months.

Me 10:12 AM
even after 6+ months the data are still kept, right?

Google Cloud Support, Rosalie10:12 AM
That is correct. A you need to do is to have an activity log in to your admin console.

Google Cloud Support, Rosalie10:13 AM
And make sure to have your credential active.

Google Cloud Support, Rosalie10:13 AM
For your future reference you can click this link: https://support.google.com/a/answer/1230658

Me 10:13 AM
do you mean during these 6 months I will have to login into console panel to keep activity?

Google Cloud Support, Rosalie10:14 AM
That is correct.

Me 10:14 AM
OK thank you so much.

Google Cloud Support, Rosalie10:14 AM
You are most welcome.
2020-03-25 10:18:44 +08:00
见如上 google support 的答复,即使账号冻结(暂停付费)超过 6 个月,资料也不会删除。只是这 6 个月内,要定期登陆下管理面板,保持账号活跃。

2020-03-25 11:00:01 +08:00
2020-03-25 13:45:19 +08:00
@msg7086 不会的,这个你想多了。g suite 是后付费的,比如这个月你用了 20 天,然后暂停计费,6 个月后,你重新激活,只用交这个 20 天的费用,我亲自验证过。
2020-04-03 22:44:29 +08:00
如果这样的话,我的 G Suit For Education 的 14 天试用到期后,只要保持一定时间内登录控制面板,数据也不会清空了?
2021-01-05 17:33:41 +08:00
@miscnote 请问如何暂停账户?问了客服说只能取消订阅而不能暂停。或者,有其他操作吗

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