speedtest.net 中 Henan CMCC 5G Zhengzhou 节点无法正常测速你们呢?

2020-03-02 15:37:52 +08:00

我是电信宽带的无法正常测速提示我: DOWNLOAD TEST ERROR A socket error occurred during the download test. A firewall could be blocking the connection or the server might be having some issues. Please try again later.

Alternatively, check out our free Speedtest for Desktop apps for more reliable testing.


如果石锤,如何向 speedtest 反应该情况?

还有个疑问就是 300M 带宽为什么测出来有 390M...

1845 次点击
所在节点    宽带症候群
1 条回复
2020-03-02 16:36:27 +08:00
运营商预留百分之 30 正常操作。预留多的深圳电信 200m 实际测速 300m。

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