
2020-02-29 18:37:03 +08:00
我有一个对熟练微信小程序开发的人来说 6 小时内就可以完成的小项目. 去哪个社区、平台比较容易找到这样的会开发微信小程序的前端程序员呀?谢谢大佬们指路~

- Intake three questions from users | 一个问卷调查类的小程序
- 已有 UI mockups, User flows, Product Specs
- One Intake interface and one answering interface, each iterate three times with a slider components
- publish to Wechat Moments| 可以分享到朋友圈
- ask user if they want their name to be displayed on the 通关好友
- display the wechat names of friends who answered all the questions | 显示哪些微信好友全都答对了

Please provide your previous work | Github | Resume
请提供你曾经做过的作品 /Github /简历
阶梯计价,可以协商交付日期、partial Intellectual property
Preferred: familiar with Tencent's weui
1453 次点击
所在节点    微信
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