招聘: Engineer for Extended Reality (Virtual Reality)

2020-02-23 22:28:50 +08:00

Location: China - Shanghai China - Shenzhen

Job Overview:

We are seeking software engineers with expertise in XR frameworks and SDK development who will work with top developers building next generation XR platforms. You will be expected to provide end-to-end ownership for various development activities. We are seeking a creative, self-motivated problem-solver with a passion for creating great VR/AR products. Be part of a team of strong technology developers building mobile Augmented and Virtual Reality enabling technology. Based on Khronos OpenXR standard, work on OpenXR SDK implementation on Snapdragon platforms. Collaborate across functional boundaries in defining architecture, APIs, design and schedule, extending to areas such as XR cameras, XR optimized Displays, XR sensors, Algorithms, etc. Qualification Window/Linux/Android multimedia frameworks/HAL/drivers and developing environment Experience in any of OpenGL programming, Image Processing or Computer Vision algorithms Proficiency in C++ and/or C programming (Java, Python, etc. as a plus) Good analytical and debugging skills Familiar with code control tools such as GIT, Gerrit, Perforce, SVN, etc. Self-motivated, willingness to expand skill sets and strong research capability on new technology

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1 条回复
2020-02-24 23:22:55 +08:00

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