在没有 HTML 之前,GUI 是个门槛很高的技术,有了 HTML 之后,GUI 变的可声明化,现在是个人都能作出漂亮的 GUI。
那么会不会有一天, 深度学习发展到使用一种标记语言就可以进行声明的地步。
我起草了一个 Github 项目: https://github.com/leinue/HIML
Hypo AI Markup Language, Make AI as easy as HTML!
AI technology has a high threshold for use, but we believe that in the future, AI technology will produce the same technology as HTML replacing GDI +. We started to develop a markup language in the field of AI, so as to reduce the threshold of AI to the same level as HTML, and make AI simple, which is the mission of HIML.
Why isn't HIML called HAIML or HAML? The first reason is that HAIML is a little long and hard to read. The second reason is that HI has a good meaning, which looks more like human beings and conforms to the positioning of AI.
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