从官网买了2个月了,但还是习惯of+en的组合,想把devonthink pro+devonagent 打包500元出掉。已经问过devon公司,可以更改username(现在username还是本人的)和icense。有意者可以dm @
zjjsas007 或者私信@番墙er,或者电邮zjjsas007@gmail.com。下面是官方回复:
Dear XXX,
The username is integrated into the license code, it cannot be changed. I can make a new license code for you with the requested name and deactivate your old license code. In this case please send me your old license code and tell me the new name you want to have for the new license code.
We hope this response has sufficiently answered your questions. If not or if we ask you provide additional information, please simply reply to this email or login to your support ticket system account for a complete archive of all your support request and responses.
Sincerely yours,
Heike Volkmann
DEVONtechnologies LLC
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