ZeroTier Public Networks 有哪些?可以玩什么?

2019-12-25 11:03:15 +08:00

Public networks are useful for testing and for peer to peer “party lines” for gaming, chat, and other applications. Participants in public networks are warned to pay special attention to security. If joining a public network be careful not to expose vulnerable services or accidentally share private files via open network shares or HTTP servers. Make sure your operating system, applications, and services are fully up to date.

ZeroTier, Inc. operates a public network called Earth (no relation to the root server planet definition of the same name) with the network ID 8056c2e21c000001. Earth issues IPv4 addresses in the unused IPv4 space and rfc4193 IPv6 addresses and allows multicast for service discovery. It’s essentially a global LAN party.

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2019-12-25 12:53:18 +08:00
最近在学习使用 zerotier 组建虚拟网络,这个比 DDNS 之类的好吗? 似乎不会像 DDNS 一类的暴露端口。
2019-12-25 12:55:28 +08:00
zerotier 是布置在路由器上的,一顿操作之后,手机还是不能相互访问。
2019-12-25 13:54:25 +08:00
@133qaz #2
1. 你用错了吧,是各个终端都要安装客户端
2. 然后每个终端都 join 同一个 network 比如 8056c2e21c000001,注意这是 public 的
3. 然后设备之前就是 ping 通了(自行查看分配的 ip)
4. 自己去网站管理端创建私人的 network,终端 join 之后需要到网页管理端授权
2019-12-25 13:57:03 +08:00
@lxk11153 #3 路由可以 bridge
2019-12-25 14:11:17 +08:00
#3 fix "之前就是"->"之间就可"
@binux #4 嗯,客户端安装在上层也行
2020-11-03 02:21:15 +08:00
@133qaz 不是安装上去就可以,要配置路由表

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