我看 VMware 官方(旧)消息, VMware Workstation 和 Hyper-V 将来可以共存啊

2019-12-15 22:28:03 +08:00

来自官方博客:Workstation and Hyper-V Harmony, 时间是 2019 年 8 月 28 日,以下引用一段:


For the past year we’ve been collaborating closely with Microsoft on the Windows Hypervisor Platform engineering team so that Workstation can co-exist with Hyper-V enabled hosts.

Our demo consisted of booting both an Ubuntu Linux virtual machine and a Windows 10 virtual machine on a host with Hyper-V features, specifically device guard and credential guard, enabled. While it was a little slow, we had no errors and were able to even open up a youtube video.

By building into Workstation the ability to use these new Hypervisor API’s at its core layers of operation, Hyper-V features and VMware Workstation virtual machines will be able to co-exist at the same time on the same host, out of the box.

We have a ways to go still, but we wanted to share this with our users to let them know that this was something we were working on with the highest of priorities, even tho we couldn’t talk about it until now.

We’re excited about the future and our ongoing collaboration with Microsoft and the WHP team, and look forward to sharing a tech demo in 2020.

那 WSL2 可用性岂不是增加了不少?

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5 条回复
2019-12-16 02:20:03 +08:00
隔壁 virtualbox 早就可以了
2019-12-16 04:47:58 +08:00
@cheng6563 问下 vbox 怎么设置,我最新的 Win 10, 最近的稳定版 vbox,启用了 hyper-V 无法启动虚拟机,必须 bcdedit 修改启动设置并重启后才可以用 vbox
2019-12-16 08:04:32 +08:00
@cheng6563 virtual box 可以? 求个教程
2019-12-16 08:40:18 +08:00
2019-12-16 13:44:24 +08:00
vmware 应该还没支持,vbox 还不稳定

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