请教一个 Spring 的问题: MethodValidationPostProcessor 是不是和 Scheduled 冲突呀

2019-12-09 15:29:17 +08:00

刚刚提了一个 issue


I use the Spring Boot v2.0.5.RELEASE which depends on Spring 5.0.9 Release

I got a problem when I need both MethodValidationPostProcessor and Scheduled

here's the detail.

When I just use Scheduled like below

public class SpringConfigServerApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(SpringConfigServerApplication.class, args);

    @Scheduled(fixedDelay = 5000)
    public void test() {

the scheduler works well as what I want. But when I add a MethodValidationPostProcessor like below

public class SpringConfigServerApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(SpringConfigServerApplication.class, args);

    public MethodValidationPostProcessor methodValidationPostProcessor() {
        MethodValidationPostProcessor methodValidationPostProcessor = new MethodValidationPostProcessor();
        return methodValidationPostProcessor;

    @Scheduled(fixedDelay = 5000)
    public void test() {

the scheduler doesn't work. I have already checked the org.springframework.scheduling.config.ScheduledTaskRegistrar, the scheduler inits as well, but there isn't any task in all of the task variables such as fixedRateTasks, fixedDelayTasks and etc.

Is there any chance that we can use MethodValidationPostProcessor and the scheduler together?

3621 次点击
所在节点    Java
8 条回复
2019-12-09 16:31:38 +08:00
目测是一个 bug
另外 SpringBoot 有自动配置一个`MethodValidationPostProcessor`
2019-12-09 16:58:16 +08:00
@chendy 其余的类我试过貌似也不可以😂😂
2019-12-09 17:07:42 +08:00
@chendy 试了下,移动到其余的类是可以的,不过不能用 Autowired 注入。。
2019-12-09 19:39:50 +08:00
@chendy 查到原因了,官方的回复

the post-processor method should be static to prevent early initialization of the whole chain. You also should have a message in the log stating that some beans couldn't be post-processed. This is the reason why scheduling doesn't work with such arrangement. If moving it to static doesn't fix the problem, please share a small sample (zip or github repo) we can run ourselves and we can reconsider.
2019-12-09 19:56:05 +08:00
应该是生命周期处理上出现问题,比 post processor 先行注册了,导致生命周期组件出现问题
2019-12-09 20:20:44 +08:00
@zhazi 嗯,有可能,具体我还得看看文档
2019-12-09 20:39:09 +08:00
Postprocessor 好像有个 order 接口指定执行顺序…你可以看下 AbstractApplicationContext 这个类的 refresh 的代码…是对象工厂初始化流程代码…beanfactorypost processor 和 Bean Post processor…好像都有 ordered 接口…
2019-12-09 20:48:54 +08:00
@Aruforce 我去看看,谢谢老哥

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