Spyder 4 已发布~

2019-12-07 13:27:57 +08:00

conda install spyder=4.0.0 即可安装 https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder/releases/tag/v4.0.0

Spyder 4.0.0

Important Notes:

    If you are new to Python or the Scientific Python ecosystem, we strongly recommend you to install and use Anaconda. It comes with Spyder and all its dependencies, along with the most important Python scientific libraries (i.e. Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, IPython, etc) in a single, easy to use environment.
    We also support pip, but please be aware that pip installations are for advanced users with good knowledge of all Spyder dependencies. Because of that, all installation problems you encounter are expected to be solved by you, so please don't ask us for help.

Spyder 4 comes with several interesting and exciting new features. The most important ones are:

    Main Window
        Dark theme for the entire application.
        A new Plots pane to browse all inline figures generated by the
        IPython console.
        Rename the following panes:
            Static code analysis to Code Analysis
            File explorer to Files
            Find in files to Find
            History log to History
            Project explorer to Project
        Create a separate window when undocking all panes.
        Show current conda environment (if any) in the status bar.

        Code folding.
        Indentation guides.
        A class/method/function lookup panel. This can be shown in the menu
        Source > Show selector for classes and functions.
        Autosave functionality to recover unsaved files after a crash.
        Optional integration with the Kite completion
        Code completion and linting are provided by the Python Language Server.

    IPython Console
        Run files in an empty namespace.
        Open dedicated consoles for Pylab, Sympy and Cython.
        Run cells through a new function called runcell.
        Run cells by name.

        Code completion.
        Execute multi-line statements.
        Syntax highlighting.
        Permanent history.
        runfile and runcell can be called when the debugger is active.
        Debug cells with Alt+Shift+Return.

    Variable Explorer
        New viewer to inspect any Python object in a tree-like representation.
        Filter variables by name or type.
        MultiIndex support in the Dataframe viewer.
        Support for all Pandas indexes.
        Support for sets.
        Support for Numpy object arrays.
        Restore the ability to refresh it while code is being executed.

        Associate external applications to open specific file extensions.
        Context menu action to open files externally.
        Multi-select functionality with Ctrl/Shift + mouse click.
        Copy/paste files and their absolute or relative paths.
        Use special icons for different file types.

        Show cells grouped in sections.
        Add default name to all cells.

    You can easily install this version if you use Anaconda by closing Spyder and then running the following command in a system terminal (Anaconda Prompt on Windows, xterm on Linux or Terminal.app on macOS):

    conda install spyder=4.0.0

    Or you can use pip with this command in a system terminal (cmd.exe on Windows, xterm on Linux or Terminal.app on macOS):

    pip install --pre -U spyder

    Note: Do not use this command if you are using Anaconda because it could break your installation.

For the full list of closed issues and merged pull requests in this release, please see our Changelog.
1092 次点击
所在节点    Python
1 条回复
2019-12-07 21:05:50 +08:00
很喜欢 spyder,算是一种传统编程和 REPL 环境的折衷,很适合单文件脚本的开发调试~

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