Google Domains 要求我上传身份证件,否则暂停服务?

2019-10-21 21:28:34 +08:00

前几天把域名转入了谷歌 Google Domains。



You’re receiving this email because we’ve been unable to verify the WHOIS information in your Google Domains account, submitted either during your recent sign-up or update of your WHOIS information. As a result, we need to verify the WHOIS information for  " Zealer Chen ". To avoid any disruption to your Google Domains services, please complete this form. 

If you are not  " Zealer Chen ", please ask  " Zealer Chen " to directly fill out the form above.

Google Domains takes great care in the protection of our customers’ information and the security of our products. To ensure the safety and security of your account and to avoid suspension of your account, please provide the requested documentation within 10 days. Unfortunately, if we are unable to verify your information within 10 days, your Domain may be suspended.

Your data safety and privacy is very important to us. Google stores your information on secure servers and never shares it, except in the limited circumstances specified in our Privacy Policy.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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5 条回复
2019-10-21 22:18:49 +08:00
icann 的要求,whois 必须要真实准确。
2019-10-21 22:24:47 +08:00
估计是你填的名字太假了,域名商会 ICANN 复核的时候发现了
之前我在 gandi 买域名的时候,由于不了解相关规定,填了个网名,也被要求证实自己的真实身份,直接 PS 了个身份证提交就过了。。。
2019-10-21 22:25:07 +08:00
@LuoLuoKaka 域名商或 ICANN
2019-10-22 04:12:33 +08:00
域名一直要求实名。(当然这实名是真的还是 PS 的对方一般不会管。)
2019-10-22 09:35:03 +08:00
以前在 Namesilo 和狗爹买域名 whois 都是瞎填的。
这次我也 PS 了张身份证和信用卡账单上去了。

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