
2010-12-21 05:39:02 +08:00

At Sulia, you'll find breaking news about your favorite football team or a heated political controversy. You'll find debate about programming languages and conversation about health conditions. And you'll find people sharing tips on everything from chocolate to China to urban gardening.

Sulia continuously identifies the most respected experts on each subject and provides only their on-topic updates.

Sulia is built on Twitter, programmed by a team of editors based in New York City, and powered by the TLISTS engine, a growing subject-based index of more than two million Twitter accounts. Sulia combines crowdsourcing, human insight, and machine learning to bring you the best real-time channels on any subject.
4770 次点击
所在节点    Twitter
2 条回复
2010-12-21 05:39:20 +08:00
这个网站刚刚拿到 $3.5M 的投资。
2010-12-21 05:39:42 +08:00

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