杭州外企[微策略软件]-正在寻找一名 Cloud Application Engineer, 需要接触云平台 1 年以上,会 一些 Python / Java /JS,英语读写流利~,欢迎回复评论~ 我的微信号: hu911116

2019-09-12 17:18:37 +08:00
工作地点:杭州市西湖区学院路 77 号黄龙万科中心 A 座
• 五险一金按工资的全部基数(或封顶数)缴纳
• 公司为员工购买补充商业保险,看病回来还能报销,更有高额意外 /寿险 /重疾险。配偶和子女也可以半价参保哦
• 公司赞助健身房年卡,还每天的请教练上门提供免费健身课程,这里的码农健康又有型
• 每天免费水果,天天不重样
• 弹性工作制,再也不用担心堵车迟到扣工资
• Outing、团建、节假日礼物,你能想到的这里都有
• 10-20 天带薪年假,想去欧洲玩?说走就走
• 10 天带薪病假,头疼脑热不用怕
• 季度奖金制,每三个月都有奖金入账,再也不用苦苦盼年终

有兴趣可以直接甩简历到我邮箱: yuahu@microstrategy.com,或者加我微信:hu911116, 都可以聊~~~
5286 次点击
所在节点    杭州
7 条回复
2019-09-16 09:59:18 +08:00
jd 呢
2019-09-17 18:20:35 +08:00
micro strategy 啊啊啊啊啊,好鸡冻!有在杭州和新加坡的朋友都反馈面试和入职后体验都不错~
2019-09-25 17:33:11 +08:00
其他岗位有么 比如 Java
2019-10-16 12:00:35 +08:00
java 目前木有,可以加我微信持续关注呀~~
2019-10-16 12:00:57 +08:00
@hosaos java 目前木有,可以加我微信持续关注呀~~
2019-10-16 12:01:32 +08:00
@ddddad Jd:
• Implementation of MicroStrategy Cloud features through entire lifecycle of feature development. This includes input on design specifications, implementation of functionality, testing, analyzing and optimizing the implementation that support expanding MicroStrategy’s platform capabilities.
• Troubleshoot, implement and optimize MicroStrategy platform deployment mechanisms working on infrastructures such as: physical hardware, AWS Cloud and Azure Cloud systems
• Troubleshoot and triage issues related to software and hardware components and MicroStrategy Product Suite implementation.
• Participate in peer code reviews, knowledge sharing, Scrum meetings and mentoring.
• Identify trends in affectations that require Technical Support or Cloud Operations involvement; design solutions to fix/prevent those affectations, either by automation or architectural improvements
• Provide Expert Services for stress testing, sizing, configuration audits, on-site implementation of best practices, performance tuning, ETL routines, Data modelling, among others

• Experience or moderate command of Python, Java or JavaScript environments
• 2+ years hands on experience working in Cloud (AWS or Azure) application deployments, including configuration, deployment and performance improvements.
• Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent work experience
• Individual must have ability and desire to assimilate and apply knowledge as well as to spread acquired knowledge and experience to other team members
• Experience working with SCRUM/Agile or with Agile Management tools such as Rally, Jira, preferred
• Proficient in data collection and analysis using SQL
• Proven ability to interpret business requirements
• Exceptional analytical and problem-solving skills
• Strong written and verbal communication
• Enjoy working as a team, collaborating in a follow the sun schema with a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary team
2019-10-16 12:01:57 +08:00
@Emily2015 嘿嘿嘿~~~谢谢肯定~~

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