今天 Uber 裁员了, 425 人,这次是产品组和工程师

2019-09-11 06:34:29 +08:00

继上次市场部裁员 400 人之后又要动刀了,这次轮到了产品组和工程师,其中产品组 170 人,工程师 265 人,裁员比例 8%。

Uber has laid off 435 employees across its product and engineering teams, the company announced today. Combined, the layoffs represent about 8% of the organization, with 170 people leaving the product team and 265 people leaving the engineering team.

The layoffs had no effect on Eats, which is one of Uber’s top-performing products, and Freight, according to a source familiar with the situation.

Meanwhile, the company is lifting the hiring freeze on the product and engineering teams that has been in effect since early August, according to the source.

全文: https://techcrunch.com/2019/09/10/uber-lays-off-435-people-across-engineering-and-product-teams/

Uber Eats 没受影响,看来还是外卖送的不错...

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2019-09-11 07:01:17 +08:00
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2019-09-11 15:45:11 +08:00

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