This is just a friendly reminder about our upcoming move to the Fiberhub datacentre in Las Vegas this weekend. To refresh: all San José services will be powered down on 19 January at 2130h PST (9:30 PM GMT-8). IMPORTANT: IF YOU HAVE A KVM SERVICE, PLEASE INITIATE A MANUAL SHUTDOWN BEFORE 2100h. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE A CLEAN SHUTDOWN FROM THE NODE. Once all of the gear is offline, we will be de-racking, loading into a cargo truck, and making the drive to Fiberhub. Barring unforeseen traffic delays, we're expecting to arrive in Las Vegas between 0500h-0600h Sunday morning. By 0900h-1000h that morning, we should have over 80% of our nodes back online and functional.
换成北京时间是2013-01-20 13:30开始拔电,于2013-01-21 02:00恢复。
Las Vegas测试IP:
Test IP –
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