hostdare - Network Outage in asian / china optimized (Outage)

2019-06-03 10:31:25 +08:00

Network Outage in asian / china optimized (Outage) 優先級 - 重大 影響範圍 伺服器 - Host1 Our Asian optimized and china optimized cn2 network has been shutdown temporally due to unfortunate events of mass blockage of IP ranges . To prevent further damage , we are temporarily shutting down our network , It will last for next 48-72 hours ( or more) .

We are very sorry but there is no solution yet .

Please do not open any new tickets right now as our ticket board is full .

日期 - 06/02/2019 16:09 最後更新 - 06/02/2019 16:28

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1 条回复
2019-06-03 10:33:42 +08:00

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