HackerX @ Shenzhen

2019-06-03 09:54:58 +08:00
Wed, June 12, 2019

7:00 PM – 9:30 PM CST


刚刚收到一个邀请 - 貌似可以推荐:

Q: Can I bring a friend or co-worker?
A: Of course, just have them fill out a waitlist application and we'll try our best to get them in.
Q: I didn't get an invite, can I still attend?
A: Most of our tickets are sent by invitation but feel free to apply for the waitlist as we often do have extra seats open up.

由于我个人不是开发者,有兴趣的可以让我知道?(先到先得 \@w@/

1501 次点击
所在节点    程序员
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