SuperMild 只是重写了一个授权服务,用 node 只需要个把小时,Go 用了 2 天,rust 用了近一周。
To narrow down on one programming language that was best suited for their authorization service, the team rewrote the service in Node.js, Go, and Rust. The Node.js rewrite was acting as a baseline to evaluate Go or Rust.
While rewriting in Node.js took just an hour, given the team ’ s expertise in JavaScript, the performance was very similar to the legacy implementation. The team finished the Go rewrite in two days but ruled it out because it did not provide a good dependency management solution. “ The prospect of installing dependencies globally and sharing versions across any Go project (the standard in Go at the time they performed this evaluation) was unappealing,” says the white paper.
Though the Rust rewrite took the team about a week, they were very impressed by the dependency management Rust offers.