source showed Motherboard proof that hackers gained access even to content inside emails, contrary to the company ’ s initial claim. Microsoft later confirmed the fact but clarified that only 6% of the total number of affected accounts had their content read. That said, it doesn't reveal exact numbers.
Microsoft ’ s email says that the attack had been ongoing for three months but the source claims that it all occurred within six months. At this point, no one ’ s sure what else Microsoft isn ’ t telling affected users.
看起来有的账户连邮件的正文都泄漏了,微软还藏着掖着不肯说具体数字本来除了界面用不惯以外,对 outlook 印象挺好的,现在连这种大厂都能出这问题,难不成真的要去用加密邮箱么
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