vultr 因为出站网络攻击被关闭,现在让我回复 tickets

2019-04-12 10:18:27 +08:00

可能和前几天改密码有关?是被当做肉鸡去攻击了吗 我要如何回复

Ticket DYW-53NLI has been updated by Abuse System.

We have yet to receive a response from you regarding this abuse complaint. This is the third notice regarding this abuse report.

If we do not receive a response within the next 40 hours, the affected server will be suspended.

To update or check the progress of your ticket, please reply directly to this e-mail or visit:

We have yet to receive a response from you regarding this abuse complaint. This is the third notice regarding this abuse report.

If we do not receive a response within the next 40 hours, the affected server will be suspended.

We have powered down your server due to outbound traffic patterns fitting the profile of a TCP SYN flood network attack. You may restore power any time via to troubleshoot, repair, replace or destroy as necessary. 

If you believe your instance has been compromised, we recommend a fresh instance reinstall. If you restore power and fail to address the activity in question in a timely manner and/or if the situation in question resumes/worsens, we will have no choice but to escalate our response, including but not limited to suspension or powering down of the instance, suspending the entire account or account closure for repeat ToS violations.

Thank you for your cooperation!

5676 次点击
所在节点    服务器
4 条回复
2019-04-12 10:40:11 +08:00
2019-04-12 11:29:13 +08:00
2019-04-12 12:01:22 +08:00
2019-04-12 13:10:39 +08:00
@AstroProfundis 凌晨发的 😂

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